Celebrate The Arts In Kimberley!

Recipient Of An Emerging Artist Award


Visitors in the Peony Patch, 16”x20” Mixed Media Collage Painting on Wood Panel.

"Pink peonies, delicate and vibrant, gracefully dance to the rhythm of nature, showering the world with effortless beauty."

“Visitors in the Peony Patch” was one of my paintings submitted for this Juried Exhibition at the Centre 64 art gallery in Kimberley, BC, Canada. August 2nd - August 27th, 2022 I was honoured to receive an “Emerging Artist” Award for this painting. (Size 16” x 20”)

Did you know that garden peonies have a secret talent? These beautiful blooms not only captivate us with their vibrant colors and intoxicating fragrance, but they can also live for an astonishingly long time! Some peony plants have been known to thrive for over 100 years, making them the perennial granddaddies of the garden. So next time you plant some peonies, remember that you're not just adding a pop of color to your landscape, you're also investing in an heirloom that can be cherished for generations to come.

My thanks to Marc Raymond of the Larix Hotel for recognizing this painting "Visitors in the Peony Patch", with an emerging artist award. I enjoyed a wonderful evening at the Kaleidoscope juried awards celebration on the evening of August 26th. I was honoured to be in the company of so many talented artists and left feeling quite inspired! A special thanks to Centre 64 and all the volunteers who made this event happen.

As An Artist You Might Think: Why Should I Apply To A Juried Show?

If you are an emerging artist, as I am, and you are seeking to grow a larger audience or gain gallery representation, then you can benefit from participating in a juried show regardless of whether you win an award or not.

“No matter what the outcome may be, with every submission you’ll be building your reputation, getting your work out there, and improving yourself and your art.”

~ Aletta deWal

Consider the following comments by Aletta de Wal, artist and author of My Real Job Is Being An Artist

1. You’ll build your credibility. Being accepted into a juried show, or being awarded a “best in show” does wonders for your credibility. You may not win, but decision-makers who might not otherwise have had the chance to be exposed to your work will see your work and qualifications. You gain more experience with each show and become more confidant as an artist.

2. You’ll build your visibility. Juried shows increase the odds that your work will be noticed by discerning buyers, influential dealers and selective art representatives. Make sure to connect with art critics, writers and bloggers and your fame could spread even further.

3. You’ll learn to honestly judge your own art. While feedback from the jurors might be limited, the opportunity for you to learn how to assess how your work compares to your peers is just as valuable. Attend the opening event and evaluate the work that was selected. Be as honest and objective as possible about how your art stacks up to the other artists.

“In the end, gaining entry and winning awards aren’t the only benefits of entering shows and competitions. Be sure to keep your eye on the “bigger prizes” of sticking your neck out and bettering yourself as a professional artist.”

~Aletta de Wal

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